Every Lake County resident deserves a fair chance at a healthy future.
Right now, that future is at risk. In Lake County, 1 in 6 adults smokes and
1 in 8 youth ages 11-17 vapes or uses another toxic tobacco product.
Vision & Mission
We envision a Lake County where all residents have a fair chance at a healthy future—free from nicotine addiction. Our mission is to mobilize community partners to establish long-lasting system and policy changes that promote tobacco-free social norms to prevent usage of tobacco products by youth/young adults, eliminate the hazards of secondhand smoke, and decrease the number of deaths due to tobacco products.
If you or your organization are interested in joining the Tobacco Free Lake County Partnership, please contact info@tobaccofreelake.com more information. Interested persons are encouraged to attend a meeting to learn more about the Tobacco Free Lake County Partnership's work.
Local initiatives supported by the Tobacco Free Lake County Partnership are:
Smoke-Free Multi Unit Housing: Encourage multi-unit housing properties to implement policies that protect residents from secondhand smoke. You can learn more about the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act here: Florida Clean Indoor Air Act
SWAT: Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) is Florida’s statewide youth organization to mobilize, educate and equip Florida youth to revolt against, and de-glamorize, Big Tobacco. SWAT is a united movement of empowered youth working towards a tobacco-free future. The Tobacco Free Lake County Partnership collaborates with SWAT youth who lend meaningful insight into ending nicotine addiction among their peers. Tobacco Free Florida - E-Epidemic: Vaping & Youth
Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) mobilizes and equips youth to protect their generation from the tobacco and vaping industries. The Lake County SWAT members build leadership skills and plan activities to help raise awareness and support for policies that benefit the community. To learn more or to attend a SWAT meeting or event in Lake County, contact sarah@civcom.com. To learn more about SWAT’s work across the state, visit SWATflorida.com.
The Tobacco Free Lake County Partnership typically meets on a quarterly basis.
Our next meeting will be August 14th, 2024 at 2 PM and will be held on the virtual platform Google Meet. An opportunity to attend in-person will be determined closer to the meeting date. To join via video, you will find the meeting link below. Meetings are open to the public, and guests are welcome! By coming together we can save lives, prevent addiction, and protect children.
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/chr-juex-komOr dial: (470) 771 - 2946
PIN: 960 226 391 #
Scan the QR Code to join our next meeting!
Partnership Bylaws were approved on February 16, 2022.
Our mission is to mobilize community partners to establish long-lasting system and policy changes that promote tobacco-free social norms to prevent usage of tobacco products by youth/young adults, eliminate the hazards of secondhand smoke, and decrease the number of deaths due to tobacco products.
We envision a Lake County where all residents have a fair chance at a healthy future—free from nicotine addiction.
Goal 1: Prevent Initiation of Tobacco Use Among Florida’s Youth and Young Adults
"Tobacco" definition: All products defined as tobacco products by the FDA will be addressed by this Partnership and include, but are not limited to: cigarettes, cigars of any size, smokeless tobacco of any kind, hookah, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), and electronic vapor devices (EVPS) which include electronic cigarettes and personal vaporizing devices.
Goal 2: Eliminate secondhand smoke exposure. Promote policies to create smoke free multi-unit dwellings
Goal 3: Promote cessation from tobacco use.
Promote policies that increase the number of organizations, including employers, schools, and other community groups, that offer cessation services to individuals. Services offered by the Bureau of Tobacco Free Florida and Florida Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) should also be promoted in conjunction with the Tobacco Free Partnership’s work in the community.
Beginning with the funding years of 2021-2022, Civic Communications LLC. (hereafter "CivCom") and its officers are the contract manager for the Tobacco Free Lake County Partnership. The Community Liaisons/Facilitators for the Tobacco Free Partnership (TFP) are the Lake County Tobacco Policy Manager (TPM) and the Lake County Community Engagement Manager (CEM) and are employed by CivCom. Fiscal spending decisions for the TFP are at the discretion of the TPM and CEM and are based on grant funding availability and allowability. The TFP shall abide by all rules and regulations as promulgated by the Bureau of Tobacco Free Florida (BTFF).
The TFP is a community partner willing to share relevant data and resources with other community-based organizations. The TFP shall endeavor to collaborate with local non-profits, governmental organizations, faith-based groups, the business community, and all other interested individuals.
Adult Participation:
Members help plan, implement, and evaluate comprehensive interventions with the potential to save lives and improve the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors.
Members assume leadership regarding tobacco control and advocacy, education and prevention, information exchange, policy development and decision-making.
Members agree to work within the mission, goals, objectives, and principles of the TFP when representing the project in public.
Members speaking on behalf of the TFP should inform the Facilitator prior to doing so.
Members attend all regular meetings, send an appropriate representative, or teleconference in.
Members maintain active communication with the TPM and CEM.
Youth & Young Adult Participation:
Youth Members assume leadership regarding tobacco control and advocacy, education and prevention, information exchange, policy development and decision-making.
Youth Members agree to work within the mission, goals, objectives, and principles of the TFP when representing the project in public.
Youth Members will maintain active communication with the TFP Advisory Council.
Youth members can participate via teleconferencing if all members present can hear the conversation.
Are you or someone you care about ready to quit? Support is available!
Talk to a quit coach, find a quit group, or get free nicotine replacement patches or gum.
Learn more about these and other FREE resources at Tobacco Free Florida.
To learn more about the Tobacco Free Lake County Partnership please email